I apologize for taking so long to post again. I have had a bit of writers block, it has been a long time since I have written on a regular basis. As I said in my previous post, I'm new to this and don't really know what everyone wants to read, so any comments and/or suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated. Stretch and Dramatude went back to school yesterday (yay) so now I have 8 hours to fully dedicate to my writing Monday through Friday. So, let's just jump in head first, shall we?
Family Relations
I love my immediate family (hubby and mini-monsters) no questions asked, my extended family though, that is a whole other ball game. There are few blood related people in my life that I can stomach, and that saddens me deeply, but it is what it is. I don't really go along with the old adage "You can pick your nose, but you can't pick your family" because for the most part, I have picked my family (most of them), or at least picked those who I consider family. Biologically, without going back too far in my lineage, I have 1 mom, 1 dad, 4 half-brothers, 1 half-sister, 5 uncles (3 alive), and 4 aunts (3 alive). Now, the way I see it, I have 2 moms (bio & step), 1 dad (step), 3 brothers (2 half, 1 no blood), 3 sisters (2 no blood, 1 technically a distant cousin), 1 uncle, and 1 aunt (she died in 2010).
The reason I went through all of that is because I want to stress that family is not necessarily who you are related to by blood. I am a very dark "black sheep" in my technical family, have been for as long as I can remember, and I would not be the person I am today or gotten through what I have, if it weren't for my family that I have hand picked. Even though I have my hand picked family though, I still feel alone all the freaking time. I talk to them all on occasion, some more than others, but I don't live near any of them so I never see them.
Moral of the story is if you have a crappy family, pick your own. Family isn't defined by bloodlines anymore, you define who and what your family is. Trust me, you will have less drama and be more sane if you do.
Politically correct-- or not?
There are so many topics to touch on in this category it's hard to know where to start. Oh! I know! Let's start with some things that just chap my ass. Willful ignorance is a HUGE one for me!! First, if you are one that is willfully ignorant when it comes to the LGBT community, you sir/ma'am are an idiot, and that is being nice. I am a straight female, however, I fully support the effort for equal rights. Everyone needs love, period. My hubby and I are polar opposites on this subject along with many others. He is a conservative republican *insert eye roll here* and I am a liberal. Not a likely match, but we make it work. I tell him all the time, "Go ahead, choose to like dudes" he says "I don't want to"... that is one of the many points there are. YOU CAN NOT SIMPLY CHOOSE to be gay or straight, and to think that you can is absurd. To the ones who say " I guess it's fine that you're gay, just don't marry or raise children"-- would you get in line at Subway and berate someone for not ordering the same sub as you and try to stop them from getting what they want? "No" you say? Well, why not? Hmm.. think about that for a moment, and then tell me how that scenario is any different than you telling someone they can't get married and have a family, just like you, just because it's not what you would prefer for yourself. Sounds silly doesn't it? This is a big debate between the hubby and I, and it makes me see red. If you would care to differ in your opinion, by all means, comment and we shall discuss. That is all for now on that, on to the next.
Medical marijuana, this is a very tricky debate. Both sides have valid (sometimes) concerns. Personally, I don't smoke pot, but I used to, so I am not naive. Most everyone I know has or still does smoke it. I don't think it should be legal for recreational use, but I do believe with all my heart and soul that the medical benefits are countless. My mom is epileptic, she has smoked it my whole life. I have seen what happens first hand when she doesn't, she has life threatening grand mal seizures. My beloved aunt died 6 months after her diagnosis of cancer, had she not smoked pot, she would have died quicker and in more pain. Those are only two examples from millions. Ask yourself this, if your mom, dad, husband, wife, heavens forbid your child, or anyone you care about gets sick, and not only the doctors but everyone else that has a functioning brain cell told you that the only thing that was going to give them some kind of relief was marijuana, would you deny them that relief just because it's "the dreaded and evil pot"? If you do, you are a twisted, torture loving monster. The benefits are endless in a medical situation. Going through chemo and can't eat? Go hit a joint a couple times, you will be able to eat then :)
Guns, oh my geez, guns. Really people? Would you ban all writing utensils for all the misspelled words in the world? No? Then why in the world would you ban guns because of the gun deaths? THIS LOGIC MAKES NO SENSE!! The misspelled word is the idiots fault behind the pencil, just like the gun death is the psycho's fault behind the gun!!! It is that simple!! Make the background checks more efficient to include mental health history, require a medical professional signature. There is food for thought. I don't own a gun, but I also don't think that owning a gun is wrong. If someone I love, or I gets shot, it's not the guns fault, it was doing what it was designed to do, shoot a bullet. The blame would be on the one who pulled the trigger, it wasn't a malfunction on the guns part. As for kids shooting kids, that is also the gun owner's fault, not the kids or the guns. Children need to be educated, take bags for instance. Everyone owns a bag or two right? A child is taught not to put the bag on their face/head and not to do that to anyone else, or it could result in them getting hurt or killed right? So, by the logic that is being used by the anti-gun people, we should outlaw bags? Yes, it is that simple, and it does sound that stupid.
Now that I got all of that out, I will conclude with this : Don't be a douche. Educate yourself. Ignorance is not bliss, it makes you look stupid.
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