Late post today, low day. Have dinner in the oven now and Stretch and Dramatude are home. Due to that this will probably be a short post. Last night I was so stressed out I did a bad thing. I was screaming at Stretch, in his face, telling him that I am going to die from an aneurysm, or a stroke, or a heart attack because of him. I know that should have never even came out of my mouth, and I feel horrible about it. This is why I blew up : he treats his sister in the most hateful nasty manner I have ever seen in my life, all the time, and I'm way over my tolerance limit with it. I know a lot will tell me "Oh, it's just sibling rivalry, loosen up." -No- this goes way beyond sibling rivalry. I have siblings, I know very well that it's not always rainbows and sunshine and they will not always get along. I don't know what to do about it, he has hated her since she was born and it kills me. So, after my blow up,I apologized to Stretch, and I made them sit down and talk about their feelings in relation to each other. I didn't know what else to do.
On a lighter note, I was doing a load of laundry last night and Dramatude asked me "Does dad fart dust?" I laughed so hard. Hubby sweats a lot so he uses powder to keep from chaffing. Dramatude saw his shorts as I was loading the laundry.
On the bipolar front, today is a low day. I sat on the couch and spaced out most of the day and tried not to think. I tooled around on the internet a bit, joined a couple support groups. Not an exciting day, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
OMG that is so funny about the powder! I get in those "melted to the couch" funks often when I am depressed so I completely sympathize with you.